I'm a Product & UX Designer with experience in designing digital solutions to enhance user experience and achieve business goals. I'm passionate about user-centered design and critical thinking, and always on the lookout for new ways to improve interactions between people and technology.
I'm skilled at directing UX towards sales, creating solutions that not only enhance user experience but also promote conversion and business success. I have a solid understanding of online purchasing processes and persuasive techniques, and can strategically apply them in product design. I'm capable of working in cross-functional teams, collaborating with developers, marketers, and other professionals to ensure product coherence and a unified vision.
My constant curiosity, risk-taking predisposition, and desire to exceed my limits have motivated me to continuously learn and give my all in any situation. I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had and the experiences that have allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. I'm aware that the learning journey is infinite, and that there's always something new to discover and learn. I'm ready to face new challenges and continue learning, with humility and determination.